The condition of a human lifespan holds a conclave of unpredictable separate paths. These paths are constantly being anchored to the inevitability of an end point. Within the course of this journey, there is significance to the times of togetherness, and of separation. While times of togetherness and separation can be dependent on choice, there is also a great influence on these times by the current conditions of the environments that we inhabit, and whether there is great tension, or great lax.
The proposal for the cemetery of journey inhabits the 30th street linear stretch of the highline and uses repeated element create a series of episodic spaces in which occupants can make reflective journeys based upon their chosen pathways. The repeated element behaves as an armature and envelope, dictating the overall special limitations and the exposure to the outside elements, predominantly light. Each special episode denotes a different condition of the journey, which can be processed through according to a system of circulation options, or a dictated circulation. The ritual of the funeral in most cases takes place in a series of episodic scenes sprawled across various sites.
The proposal for the cemetery of journey inhabits the 30th street linear stretch of the highline and uses repeated element create a series of episodic spaces in which occupants can make reflective journeys based upon their chosen pathways. The repeated element behaves as an armature and envelope, dictating the overall special limitations and the exposure to the outside elements, predominantly light. Each special episode denotes a different condition of the journey, which can be processed through according to a system of circulation options, or a dictated circulation. The ritual of the funeral in most cases takes place in a series of episodic scenes sprawled across various sites.
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The 30th street section of The Highline running perpendicular to the sea presents an opportunity to redefine the cemetery as a static facilitator of the rituals that occur from a person’s death up until the point in which their remains are laid to rest. A set of singular elements transforming over time give a sense of meter to the site by playing upon the meter of The Highline’s structure, and ultimately transform into the spaces necessary to for various memorial types, allowing the building to embody the journey of memorialization.